Code Links

Click on the picture
to access the file.

Android . Android Studio


(Entire calendar is at the bottom)
June 17
Due: Line Count
* Code Freeze *
You cannot ask any functionality questions of Ms. Gorski. She won't answer..

Polising, Fixing and Comments
June 18
Final Project Submission
- Have code complete for the beginning of class.
- Do not have "just a few things to finish".
- Do not have "just a quick question".
- Complete Reflection.
June 19
Morning Tutorials for other classes with exams.
Locker Cleanout.

Afternoon Exams - P1
June 20 - Exams - P2 June 21 - Exams - P3
NO Exam in ICS4U - do NOT come to school.
June 24 - Exams - P4
NO Exam in ICS4U - Do NOT come to school
June 25 - Exams
June 26 - No School June 27 - No School June 28 - Report Cards


Unit 1: Applets and Stringsup

Lesson Video In Class Codes Check Your Understanding
Course Outline   java A0 Download Java.
A0 Get the starter code running in [ Starter code] [Applet cheat sheet][]
1.1 Encryption     C1 (c) Pig Latin
1.2 Simple String, ASCII [Jamboard PDF]

Grade 11 Review:
1. John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith
2. Phone Numbers
C2 (a) Haiku
C3 (b) Rotating Letters
1.3 Substring 3. Names
4. Beginnings and Endings
C4 (c) Word Frame
C5 (c) Picture Frame
1.4 Char Loops   5. I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas
6. Brute Force, Alternatively, you can do: Date Manipulation
C6 (b). Vote Task
1.5 Applet Review
- Applet Cheat Sheet
- Applet Starter Code
  7. String Comparison
8. String Functions
C7 (c). Giant Cat Army
C8 (c). High Roller (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, sheet to describe)
C9 (a). Ancient Stones: stone1, 2, 3, 4, title
C10 (b). Binary (on switch, off switch, on light, off light)
C11 (c): Logic Match (11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, blank, sheet to describe Logic Match is 1.3)
1.6 PARC Principle    
1.7 Testing 9. Encryption  
Sample Test      


Unit 2: Modularity up

Lesson Video Class Codes Check Your Understanding
2.1 Basic Methods 1. Tip Calculator (use methods!!)  
2.2 Method Calling 2. Frog Jump 1 - Finish and submit sheet
3. Frog Jump 2 - Solve the puzzle on the table
4. Frog Jump 3 - Code it
2.3 Basic Arrays      
Verification [Jamboard PDF]
subdivision: 5. Pizza Party, Starter Code & Picures
6. Improved Pizza Party (add methods)
7. Tic Tac Toe 1.0, x.png, o.png, xturn.png, oturn.png, b.png
2.7 Recursion
More Recursion Practice
8. Recursive Sequences  
    9. Make and Shake Dice  
Sample Test      


Unit 3: Tic-Tac-Toe - Simple App Project up

Analysis Design Tic Tac Toe Java Version java Dice Game Reflection
Tic Tac Toe Variants
Project 1 Examples
Before you start coding
Before you start coding

Design Form

Some good picture sites:
- icon archive
- opengameart
[Period 4 = Tic Tac Toe]
Tic Tac Toe Starter Code
Tic Tac Toe (Eclipse/Mac) Starter
Applet Cheat Sheet
One Square
Adding Splash, Instructions Screens: video.
Extra Features
[Period 3 = Dice Game]
Dice Game choices
Dice Game Starter Code
Dice Game (Eclipse/Mac) Starter
Applet Cheat Sheet



Unit 4: Persistance up

Lesson Video Codes Check Your Understanding
4.1 File Output, Link to Unit 6 Sheets
javaFile Output in Java
Try Catch:
4.2 File Input
javaFile Input in Java
java A1 - Selection Sort to a File
javaB1 - Game Preferences
4.3 Object Intro, Basic Objects (Baby Objects)

Color code used on worksheet

Baby Object Q&A Review
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 1 (written)
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 2 (9 slide)
Object Basics:
Coding a Baby Object:
Coding a Baby Object 2:
1 - Basic Objects
a. Item Class

b. Rectangle Class
c. Circle Class
d. Matrix
android A2 - Animal, [Android Animal Video]
java A2 - Animal [Eclipse Animal Video]
android B2 - Rectangle, [Rectangle Video]
java B2 - Rectangle;
Rectangle Runner with no scanner.
4.4 Basic Objects #2 - Tracing Memory Diagrams

Compare To & Equals
Object Memory Person:
Object Memory Animal:
CompareTo Method:
2 - Trash Panda android B3 - Circle
java B3 - Circle
android C1 - Matrix

java C1 - Matrix
androidC2 - Temperature
javaC2 - Address
4.5 Objects Principles Why important:    
4.6 Stack
Stack (Object) Code
StackInt Code
StackString Code
Stack Basics:
Stack Tracing:
3 - Stacks
java A3 - Browser Button [video]
android B4 - Stack Questions
java B4 - Stack Questions
java C3 - Stack Trace (pics)
java C4 - Tower of Hanoi (pics)
4.7 Queue
Queue (Object) Code
QueueInt Code
QueueString Code
Skunk Bingo:
4 - Queues java A4 - Next in Line [video]
android B5 - Queue Questions
java B5 - Queue Questions
4.8 Stack and Queue Push 1, 2, 3 in that order:
Eureka Game:
Finding the Max of A Stack:

android A5 - Set Up Donuts, pics
android A6 - Donut Class
android A7 - Donut Stack Class
android A8 - Donut Push, Pop
6 Because Potatoes [Because Potatoes files]
4.9 Stacks and Queues of Objects

5 - BrainTeaser Assignment,
zipped files,
Eclipse/Mac zipped files
a. BrainTeaserObject
b. Quiz Object
c. Game Show Questions
d. Check, Reveal, Hint

7 Go Nuts for Donuts
java a - Set Up Donuts. pics
java b- Donut Class
java c - Donut Stack Class
java d - Donut Push, Pop

android B6 - Queue of Circles
B6 - Queue of Circles
4.10 UML & Object Memory Diagrams UML:
Object Memory:



Unit 5: Card Game Project up

Analysis Design Cards Cards 2 Cards 3 androidCode javaCode Videos Reflection

Card Game Choices, spring 2024

Card Game NEW choices - June 2024

Games Choices, 2022

, video
All games video

Game Screen
UML, video
Instructions Printout
Memory Diagram

- Adsumudi, more
- Beagle Bagel
- Box of Rocks
- Bring a Book
- Card Deck (Regular)
- Charty Party

- Chomp
- Chonky Donkey, more
- Deduckto
- Eye Dentify
- Funny Business
- Guess Who
- Hit List
- Hit or Miss
- In a Pickle
- Joe Name It, more
- Keep It 100
- Last Letter
- Linkee, more
- Museum Characters
- Museum Places
- Over Under
- Pretty Darn Quick
- Poetry for Neanderthals
- Rhyme Out
- Say It, more
- Scaveger Hunt Indoors
- Scavenger Hunt Outdoors
- Secret Squad
- Similo
- Sort it Out
- Speedy Words
- Splurt
- Stow Away, more
- Super Skills
- That's It, more
- Things on a Car Journey
- Timeline
- Too Many Monkeys
- Up a Bit
- War
- Who is it?, more, jobs, Names
- Word a Round
- Wordical
Would You Rather
Layout Cards in Excel
Excel to Java

Card Class
Stack Class
Display Card

androidNotes and Extra Features
Layout Cards in Excel
Excel to Java

Starter Code - GoNuts code with screens

Java Step by Step Videos:
Card Class
Stack Class
Display Card

javaExtra Features
Arrays - from excel to java
Cycling through an array (via Over/under)
Scoring (via Over/Under)
Arrays and score (via That's it)


Unit 6: Algorithms up

Lesson Video Class Code Check Your Understanding
6.0 Files
Try Catch
javaFile Output in Java
javaFile Input in Java
Try Catch:
Code 1: Question & Answer (output)
Code 2: Newspaper (input)
Code 3: Fishes Swimming (input) pictures
Code 4: Bubble sort to file (output)
6.1 Basics, Link to Unit 4 Sheets Code 5: Honey Bees (array algorithms)
- int template, double template, char template, String template
1 Butterflies Template Task
6.2 Search Searching Lesson:
Linear Search Demo 1:
Linear Search Demo 2:
Binary Search Demo 1:
Binary Search Demo 2:
Binary Search Demo 3:

Code 6 - Code Bogo Sort
2 Bumblebee Adaption Task
1(B) - Frog Jump
[Graphical Sort]
java2(C) - Sort Animator
6.3 Android Grid Screens
java3(A) - Desert, Pics
java4(A) - Candy Crush, pics
5(A) - Pokemon Map, pics
6.4 Grid Screens & Scoring Front:
[Lights Out Video]

Code 8 - Lights Out, pics
Code 9 - Lights Out Movement
Code 10 - Lights Out Level Up
Code 11 - Code Lights Out Reset/Winning - reset hint here. winning: hint here.

6.5 Selection Sort Selection Sort Lesson:
Demo #2:
  java 6(A) - Magic Square
6.6 Bubble Sort Bubble Sort Lesson:
Demo #2:
6.7 Merge Sort Mergesort Lesson:
MergeSort Demo:
Merge Demo:
java Code 7 - Code Merge java 7(B) - Picture Place, pics
java 8(B) - Hot and Cold
6.8 Quick Sort Quick sort Lesson:
8 - Game of Life
6.9 Secret Lives of Algorithms   These assignments are NOT required. They are optional.
(these can count in place of another above program, also bonus)
Extra Code 12 - Searching
Extra Code 13 - Sorting
Extra Code 14 - Piranha
Extra Code 15 - Browser Button [video]
Extra Code 16 - Next in Line [video]
6.10 PDLC  
Sample Test Review Questions    




Unit 7: Android up

Lesson Video Codes Check Your Understanding
Starter XML (delete all default XML, do NOT delete java)

Android Cheat Sheet
Making a new Android Studio Project (written), [Video]
Where the Files are In Android Studio
android A0 Download and Install Android Studio
android A00 Use Emulator,
java A0 Download Java, if studio isn't working for you.
A0 Get the starter code running in [ Starter code] [Applet cheat sheet][]
7.1 Widgets Basics Lesson 1.1:
Unit 1 Sheets Package

Starter XML
Code Cheat Sheet
XML Visualizer, [video intro], instructions
visualizerCode 1 Riddles
visualizerCode 2 Rock Paper Scissors

How to hand in projects:
7.2 Views Lesson 1.2:
Making a new file
, Quiz
Setting up XML
Coding the Password Validator

android A3 Password Set Up [video starting] [video finding things] [video coding]
javaA3 Create a similar screen in java [video coding]
replitA3 Create a similar screen in
7.3 Margins Lesson 1.3:
- Link to Udacity course.
visualizerCode 3 Hello World android B1 Tip Calculator Set Up
android A4 Trash Panda Set Up, pic [video hints]
java A4 Trash Pandas in Java
7.4 Linear Layouts Lesson 1.4:
visualizerCode 4 Pizza Toppings
android C1 Complex Linear Layout
7.5 Buttons Lesson 1.5:
Running the Emulator:
Debugging Emulator Errors:
Starter XML (delete all default XML, do NOT delete java)
Android Cheat Sheet

androidCode 5 Tip Calculator set up, java code, (paper version)
androidCode 6 Trash Pandas set up, java code, pic, (paper version)
android A5 Trash Panda Buttons [video hints]
java A5 Trash Panda Buttons in Java
7.6 Inflation Starter XML
Code Cheat Sheet
  android B2 Tip Calculator Buttons
7.7 Wind Speed     android B3 Recursion Set Up
7.8 Grid of Widgets Array of Widgets
Search ActionCommands

androidA6 - Checkers, pics
androidA7 - Scrubby Dubby, pics
android C2 Binary Number Trick, pics
android C3 Binary Switches, pics


Unit 8: Final Project Grid Game Project up

Analysis Design Java Code java Android Code android Reflection
Game Choices 2023


Game and theme choice
All Games Video
Game Screen
Pictures Created
Grid Screen Created

Replication - More Opening Screens (Loki)
Starter Code Zipped
Starter Code, just the code
Clickable Buttons
Levels - via Rush Hour
While Waiting

Extra Features
XML Starter Code, Version 2 (centers to Gorski Phone)
Checkers, pic1, pic2, pic3
Clickable Buttons
Phone.png - a Gorski phone sized background
Determining the Size of Your App
(multiple screens)
App Finishing (logo)
Creating a signed apk (packaging for sale)
More Extra Features
Pre Handin Checklist
Old Rubric

Beta Testing Checklist (Winter 2024)
Current Rubric (Winter 2024)


15 Puzzlejava
- Set Up & Pics
- Movement
- Some Example Levels

15 Puzzle
- Fifteen Android Starter (background)
- Screens Up: Lights Out + Clickable Buttons
- Movement
- Win
- Some Example Levels
Peg Solitairejava
- Set Up & Pics
- Movement
- Some Example Levels

Peg Solitaire
- Set Up [video]
- ActionListeners code
- Jumping [video], powerpoint
- Verify note
- Movement note
- Some Example Levels
Hnefatafl android
- Set Up [video]
- ActionListeners
- Turns note
- Movement [video]
- Swap1, Swap 2 note
- "Rook"
- Take Opponent's piece [video]
- 1 - Naming & Set Up
- 2 - Add Mines
- 3 - Count Neighbours
- 4 - Open
- 5 - Flags
- 6 - Extra Features

Minesweeper android
- Minesweeper Android Starter (background, cover)
- Set Up [video 1]
- Adding Mines [ video 2]
- Neighbours, 2 [video 3]
- Flags [video 4]
- Open [video 5]
Othello java
- Intro Video
- Starter Code, 0, 1, 2

- Set Up & Pics
- Movemment
- More on movement
4Pics1Word java
-Pictures I used: pic1 (crumble), pic2 (network), pic3 (reflect)
- 1 - Set Up Screen
- 2 - Word Object
- 3 - Using Word Object
- 4 - Build Up Word in App
- 5 - Reset
- 1 - Set Up Screen
- 2 - Word Object
- 3 - Setting up TextField Array
- 4 - Mark Word
- 5 - Reset
- 6 - Dictionary Check, Dictionary File (see extra features)



Unit 9: Extras - Final Week Content up

Lesson Video A (Level 1) B (Level 2, 3) C (Level 4, 4+)
9.1 Privacy, Datamining        
9.2 Environment, E-Waste        
9.3 Trees      
9.4 University Skills        

Lesson Video A (Level 1) B (Level 2, 3) C (Level 4, 4+)
10.1 Graphics Discovery
Drawing Code for Macs/Eclipse
10.2 Draw Line   All Stars The Flash  
10.3 Draw Oval, Draw Rectangle   Robot
8-bit Sprite Looping Circles
10.4 Draw Polygon   Animal
Pac Man
10.5 Own Graphics Methods
Drawing Grid Example
  Line Methods
Graphics Methods
Many Pac Mans

Many 8-bit sprites
Heart Patterns
Little House
10.6 Fractals
Fractal Pictures
Cantor's Cheese Worksheet
  T-square Chaos Applet Fractals
Threads & Animation Examples
Bouncing Ball: Ball, Bouncer (run in Bouncer)
Horse Race: Horse, HorseRace, HorseRace2
Game of Life: GofL (stand Alone)
Game of Life with classes: GameofLife, GofLifeInterface (run in GofLInterface)


Complete Calendar up

        Feb 2
Course Goals.
Feb 5
1.2 String Methods
Review from Gr 11: Variables, IO file, Output, ASCII

Code 1 - John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith
Code 2 - Phone Numbers

Feb 6
1.3 Substring
Review from Gr 11: Ifs
IO link

Code 3 - Names
Code 4 - Endings and Beginnings
Feb 7
1.4 String Methods & Loops

Code 5 - Apples and Bananas
Code 6 - Brute Force, Alternatively, you can do: Date Manipulation
Feb 8
Coding Day
When yesterday's sheet is done, try some codes.

Code 1 - John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith
Code 2 - Phone Numbers
Code 3 - Names
Code 4 - Endings and Beginnings
Code 5 - Apples and Bananas
Code 6 - Brute Force, Alternatively, you can do: Date Manipulation
Feb 9
1.5 Applet Review
From Gr 11: Widgets, Mutators (Colours), Events
Code: Basic Applet, Cheat Sheet

Code 7 - String Comparison
Code 8 - String Functions
Feb 12
White & Black Box Testing - Sheet 1.6
Code 9 - Encryption
Feb 13
1.7 PARC Principle
Code 9 - Encryption
Feb 14
Sample Test 1
Feb 15
Unit 1 Code Due
2.1 Method Pieces
Feb 16 PL Day

Feb 19 - Family Day

Feb 20
Test Review
Reusability - Pizza Party, Starter Code & Picures
Sheet 2.2: Pizza Party
Feb 21 [CCC]
Class will be held in the library
Sheet 2.3 Method Calling 1
Frog Jump Problem
Test Review
Feb 22
Method Calling 2, Super Simple Arrays
Tic Tac Toe 1.0, x.png, o.png, xturn.png, oturn.png, b.png

Feb 23
Test 1 * moved to avoid the Calc Test

For Studying Purposes:
Unit 1 Test Review

Sample Test Solution
The test is colsed book, no devices, normal test writing conditions.
Feb 26
Catch up + code
Work on some of the following:
1. Pizza Party, Starter Code & Picures
2. Tip Calculator (use methods!!)
3. Tic Tac Toe 1.0, x.png, o.png, xturn.png, oturn.png, b.png
4. Recursive Sequences
5. Frog Jump 1 - Finish and submit sheet, Code it
Feb 27
Recursion Sheet 2.5
More Recursion Practice

Video of Intro:
Video of Sequences:

Recursive Sequences
Feb 28
Game Choice
[Period 4 = Tic Tac Toe]
Tic Tac Toe Variants
Project 1 Examples
Tic Tac Toe Starter Code
Tic Tac Toe (Eclipse/Mac) Starter

[Period 3 = Dice Game]
Dice Game choices
Dice Game Starter Code
Dice Game (Eclipse/Mac) Starter

Recursion Sheet 2.6
Feb 29 - Early Release
Catch up + code
Work on some of the following:
1. Pizza Party, Starter Code & Picures
2. Tip Calculator (use methods!!)
3. Tic Tac Toe 1.0, x.png, o.png, xturn.png, oturn.png, b.png
4. Recursive Sequences
5. Frog Jump 1 - Finish and submit sheet, Code it

If done, start working on Tic Tac Toe/Dice game.
March 1
Due start of class: Project Starter Code Downloaded [Tic Tac Toe (TTT Eclipse), Dice (Dice Eclipse) ]

Work on Tic Tac/Dice:
-1- Choose theme.
-2- Select and resize Game Board pictures. See links below if needed.
-3- Get all widgets needed on the Game Board. Declare and add.
-4- Choose colour scheme. Use global variables to assign colours.
-5- Fill in the TO DO comments.

Due start of class on Tues Mar 5: Game screen has all widgets needed on it.

Some good picture sites:
- icon archive
- opengameart
March 4
Sample Test 2
* Bring marked sheets to class.

March 5
Unit 2 Code Due
Due start of class: Game screen has all widgets needed on it.

To do: Add methods. See: 7. Tic Tac Toe 1.0

Methods to add:
- update a button
- win
- flip turn

March 6
Sample Test 2 Solution

- Due start of class: Methods in Dice/Tic Tac Toe game
- Continue work on Tic Tac Toe Variant/Dice Game
- Work on Instruction Screen & Opening

March 8
Test 2 Review

- Due start of class: Opening Screen.

Be ready for testing on Tues March 19. Instructions screen is due then too.
March 9
Test 2

For Studying:
Sample Test Solution
Review Question and Answer
Review Powerpoint
March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15
March 18
Basic Object Method Types
Object Intro, Basic Objects (Baby Objects)
Hand in 4.1
Color code used on worksheet
March 19
- Due start of class: Instructions

Tic Tac Toe/Dice Alpha Testing

- Tic Tac Toe/Dice Testing: warning - others will view your code and game.
March 20
Basic Objects - Constructors
4.2 Cheat Sheet, filled in
Handin 4.2

1 Item Runner
2 Rectangle
3 Circle
March 21
Tic Tac Toe/Dice App is due

March 22
Basic Objects - Mutators, Accessors & ToString
Hand in 4.3

1 Item Class
2 Rectangle Class
3 Circle Class
March 25 [Holi]
Basic Objects - CompareTo and Equals
Sheet 4.4

1 - Basic Objects
a. Item Class

b. Rectangle Class
c. Circle Class
2 - Trash Panda
March 26
Baby Object Q&A Review
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 1 (written)
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 2 (9 slide)

4.5 Stacks
4.6 Queues

3 - Stacks

March 27
4.7 Stacks & Queues
Baby Object Q&A Review
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 1 (written)
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 2 (9 slide)
1 - Basic Objects
a. Item Class

b. Rectangle Class
c. Circle Class
2 - Trash Panda
3 - Stacks
4 - Queues
March 28
4.8 ADTs of Objects

1 - Basic Objects
a. Item Class
b. Rectangle Class
c. Circle Class
2 - Trash Panda
3 - Stacks
4 - Queues

March 29 - Good Friday

April 1

April 2
4.9 ADTs of Objects - Animal Game

April 3 [P3, P4 Class in Library, SQL]
Consider Card Games (obviously not done yet, but I'm getting there):Card Game Choices

Work on Code:
1 - Basic Objects
a. Item Class

b. Rectangle Class
c. Circle Class
2 - Trash Panda
3 - Stacks
4 - Queues
5 - BrainTeaser, zipped files, Eclipse/Mac zipped files
April 4
4.8 Objects Principles
4.10 UMLS of Stacks and Queues of Objects
- Bring your sheets tomorrow; we are writing our sample test

Card Game Choices (still not finished)
Card Game Sign Up
Card Game Starter
Card Game Starter (Eclipse/Macs)

April 5
Sample Test 4
Card Game Sign Up
April 8 - PL Day - Solar Eclipse
April 9 [Eid]
Card Game Choices

1 - Basic Objects
a. Item Class

b. Rectangle Class
c. Circle Class
2 - Trash Panda
3 - Stacks
4 - Queues
5 - BrainTeaser, zipped files, Eclipse/Mac zipped files

Sample Test Solution
Suggested Due tomorrow: Card Game Selection, at least one card is saved or typed in.
April 10 [Eid]
Suggested done: Card Game Selection, at least one card is saved or typed in.

- Get all widgets on the Game Screen.
- Finalize card dimensions.
- Pick graphic for opening screen to choose colours.
- Starter Code
- Starter Code (Eclipse/Macs)

Test Review

April 11
Suggested done: All widgets on game screen, finalize card dimesions

- Pick graphic for opening screen to choose colours.
- Work on Opening screen, Game Screen.
- Work on baby object: Card Class

Test Review
April 12
Due from Card Game:
(1) Game screen up
(2) Finalize card dimensions
(3) Opening Screen

Unit 4 Codes Due (last day before midterms)

Test Review

April 15 [For others: Project complete]

Test 4
Review Notes
Sample Test 4 Solution
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 1 (written)
Baby Object Cheat Sheet 2 (9 slide-given on test)
April 16 [P3 in Library, Ergonomics] [Our Project complete]
- Work on baby object: Card Class
- Work on stack
- Work on getting the cards to flip (see Animal paper for all)
- If time: Extra Features
April 17
Card Game Due: Baby Object
- Work on stack
- Work on getting the cards to flip (see Animal paper for all)
April 18 - [Midterms Due, Parent Teacher Night]

Card Game Due: Stack, shuffle, cards flip
- due tomorrow: instructions screen
- Work on other card functionality, extra features
April 19 [Early Release]

Card Game Due: Instruction Screen
- Work on Score
April 22
Card Game Due: Score works

Work on getting card game ready for Alpha Testing: Rubric

Extra Features

Unit 4 Begins: Try/Catch, File output
Sheet 6.1.
April 23 [Midterms Out]
Sheet 6.3 Algorithms, Arrays Review, Speeds List

Code 1: Question & Answer (output)
April 24 [P4 in library, Counterfeit]
Bubble + Selection, Sheet 6.5
Speeds List

Bubble Sort Demo:
Selection Sort Demo:

Work on getting card game ready for Alpha Testing.

April 25
Card Game: Alpha Testing: Rubric

Due: Game is runnable at the start of class, doesn't have to be fully finished, but should run.

Code 5: Honey Bees (array algorithms)
- Array templates (from Grade 11):
- String template
- char template
- int template
- double template
April 26
Searching, Sheet 6.4
Linear Search Demo 1:
Linear Search Demo 2:
Binary Search Demo 1:
Binary Search Demo 2:
Binary Search Demo 3:
April 29
Speeds List
6.7 Quick Sort
6.6 Merge Sort
MergeSort Demo:
Code 7 - Code Merge
April 30
Card Game Due

If already submitted, work on code for unit 6.
May 1
Secret Rules of Modern Living
Speeds List
May 2 [Gorski part class]
File Input, Sheet 6.2
Try/Catch, File output, File input

Code 2: Newspaper (input)
Code 3: Fishes Swimming (input) pictures
Code 4: Bubble sort to file (output)
May 3
6.8 Grid Screens & Scoring
Code 8 - Lights Out, pics
Code 9 - Lights Out Movement
May 6
Lights Out
Code 8 - Lights Out, pics
Code 9 - Lights Out Movement
Code 10 - Lights Out Level Up
Code 11 - Code Lights Out Reset/Winning - reset hint here. winning: hint here.
May 7 [Gorski away; SHSM trip]
Code 1: Question & Answer (output)
Code 2: Newspaper (input)
Code 3: Fishes Swimming (input) pictures
Code 4: Bubble sort to file (output)
Code 5: Honey Bees (array algorithms)
Code 6 - Code Bogo Sort
Code 7 - Code Merge
Code 8 - Lights Out, pics
Code 9 - Lights Out Movement
Code 10 - Lights Out Level Up
Code 11 - Code Lights Out Reset/Winning - reset hint here. winning: hint here.

*If you want some alternatives:
Extra Code 12 - Searching
Extra Code 13 - Sorting
Extra Code 14 - Piranha

May 8
Algorithms Sample Test
- Speeds List
- Bring marked worksheets
May 9
Begin Unit 7: Android
Android XML
android A0 Download and Install Android Studio

XML Visualizer, [video intro], instructions
visualizerCode 1 Riddles
visualizerCode 2 Rock Paper Scissors
visualizerCode 3 Hello World
May 10
Sample Test Solution
Blank Sample Test

Finish Unit 6 Coding:
Code 1: Question & Answer (output)
Code 2: Newspaper (input)
Code 3: Fishes Swimming (input) pictures
Code 4: Bubble sort to file (output)
Code 5: Honey Bees (array algorithms)
Code 6 - Code Bogo Sort
Code 7 - Code Merge
Code 8 - Lights Out, pics
Code 9 - Lights Out Movement
Code 10 - Lights Out Level Up
Code 11 - Code Lights Out Reset/Winning - reset hint here. winning: hint here.

*If you want some alternatives:
Extra Code 12 - Searching
Extra Code 13 - Sorting
Extra Code 14 - Piranha
May 13
Algorithms Unit 6 Review
Android XML Sizes
Android XML Layouts

XML Visualizer, [video intro], instructions
visualizerCode 1 Riddles
visualizerCode 2 Rock Paper Scissors
visualizerCode 3 Hello World
May 14
Algorithms Unit 6 Review
Android Linear Layouts
XML Visualizer, [video intro], instructions

visualizerCode 4 Pizza Toppings
May 15
Algorithms Test 6
Algorithms Review
Algorithms Sample Test
Blank Sample Test
May 16
Android onClicks #1
Sheet 6 Inflation

Starter XML (delete all default XML, do NOT delete java)
Android Cheat Sheet
androidCode 5 Tip Calculator set up, java code, (paper version)
androidCode 6 Trash Pandas set up, java code, pic, (paper version)
May 17
Android onClicks + EditTexts
Sheet 7 Windspeeds

Starter XML (delete all default XML, do NOT delete java)
Android Cheat Sheet
androidCode 5 Tip Calculator set up, java code, (paper version)
androidCode 6 Trash Pandas set up, java code, pic, (paper version)

May 20 - Victoria Day

May 21
Android Sample
May 22 [Physics Trip]
Final Project Introduction
Android Review (#44-53 is NOT on test)

Android Coding
XML Visualizer, [video intro], instructions
visualizerCode 1 Riddles
visualizerCode 2 Rock Paper Scissors
visualizerCode 3 Hello World
visualizerCode 4 Pizza Toppings
androidCode 5 Tip Calculator set up, java code, (paper version)
androidCode 6 Trash Pandas set up, java code, pic, (paper version)
May 23
Android Review (#44-53 is NOT on test)
Android Sample Solution
Android Coding (see yesterday)

Final Project Choices - Be ready to tell me your choices:
- 1 - Android or Ready to Program
- 2 - Game
- 3 - Theme
- 4 - Grade 12 Options

Android Coding
Final Project Starter Code (Java)
May 24 [Carnival]

*Attendance at the start of period 3. Then, afternoon classes dismissed for carnival
May 27
Android Code is Due
XML Visualizer, [video intro], instructions
visualizerCode 1 Riddles
visualizerCode 2 Rock Paper Scissors
visualizerCode 3 Hello World
visualizerCode 4 Pizza Toppings
androidCode 5 Tip Calculator set up, java code, (paper version)
androidCode 6 Trash Pandas set up, java code, pic, (paper version)
May 28
Android Test
Android Sample Solution

Review Questions (#44-53 is NOT on test)
May 29
Due: Project Analysis

Final Project Choices - Be ready to finalize your choices:
- 1 - Android or Ready to Program
- 2 - Game
- 3 - Theme
- 4 - Grade 12 Options

Final Project Starter Code (Java)
May 30
Due: Starter Downloaded

- Some good picture sites:
(a) icon archive
(b) opengameart
May 31 [Grad Breakfast]
Due: 2 Pictures for Grid/Game complete

Continue work on Game Screen Pictures
Final Project Starter Code (Java)

- Some good picture sites:
(a) icon archive
(b) opengameart
June 3
Due: All Grid Pictures Complete, Game Screen finished (Background & Button colours changed)
Work on Movement

June 4
Due: Line Count increase
Work on Movement
June 5
Due: Something moves/changes in grid
Work on Movement
June 6 [Prom]
Due: Movemment is done
Work on Win
June 7 [Wellness Day]
Work on Win
June 10
Due: Win
Work on Grade 12 Content
A Great Example of Grade 12 Content
Extra Features
Android Extra Featurres
June 11
Due: Line Count increase
Work on Grade 12 Content: Consider Save & Open
A Great Example of Grade 12 Content
Extra Features
Android Extra Featurres
June 12
Due: One piece of Grade 12 Content
Work on Instructions and Opening Screen
June 13
Due: Instructions and Opening Screen
Replication - More Opening Screens (Loki)
June 14
Due: Code Ready for Testing at Start of Class (needs to run, not be perfect)
Alpha Test

Beta Testing Checklist

Code Freeze On Monday: No new features added
June 17
Due: Line Count
* Code Freeze *
You cannot ask any functionality questions of Ms. Gorski. She won't answer..

Polising, Fixing and Comments
June 18
Final Project Submission
- Have code complete for the beginning of class.
- Do not have "just a few things to finish".
- Do not have "just a quick question".
- Complete Reflection.
June 19
Morning Review
Binary Search Trees
University Prep
Locker Cleanout

Afternoon Exams - P1
June 20 - Exams - P2 June 21 - Exams - P3
No Exam in ICS4U.
June 24 - Exams - P4
No Exam in ICS4U.
June 25 - Exams
June 26 - No School June 27 - No School June 28 - Report Cards