Course Links

Click on the picture
to download the file
or access the link.

Ready to Program
IO File
Course Outline BCSS


(Entire Calendar at Bottom)
June 17
Final Project Submission
- have code complete for the beginning of class.
- Do not have "just a few things to finish".
- Do not have "just a quick question".
- Complete Reflection.
June 18
University Applications & Skills Passport
June 19
Morning Tutorials for other classes with exams.
Locker Cleanout in Morning

Exam Afternoon - P1
NO Exam in ICS3U - do NOT come to class
June 20
Exams - P2
NO Exam in ICS3U, do NOT come to school
June 21
June 24
June 25
June 26
No school
June 27
No school
June 28
Exam Review & Report Cards


Unit 1: I/O and Decisions up

Lesson Video Class Code Check Your Understanding
Course Outline
Link to the Unit 1 Sheets

Welcome to course

Installing Java
Making Folders

1. Favourite Things
1 (A) Folders & First Program
2 (A) Favourite Things
1.4 Output Lesson:

Starting in Eclipse
Starting in Ready to Program
Starting in
2. Pictures
3 (B) Footprints [video hint]
4 (B) ASCII Name [video hint]
5 (C) Tic Tac Toe
1.5 Variables 3. Question & Answer  
1.6 Input Lesson:
Input Video Instructions (how to use IO):
- Ready to Program,
- Eclipse

4. Mad Lib Task
6 (A) Multiple Choice
7 (C) Next in Line
1.7 Math, IO Examples Lesson:
Math example videos:
- Eclipse & Ready,
5. Grade 9 EQAO Task
6. Brampton Farmers' Market Task
8 (B) Paint Store
9 (B) Average

10 (C) Equation of a Line
1.7 Div and Mod
mod Code to test
  7. Egg Cartons 11 (C) Mod Questions
1.8 Simple Flow Charts   8. Flower Pot Shipping  
1.9 Boolean Expressions   12 (C) Chip's Calorie Counter
13 (C) Calender Task
1.10 If Decisions If Example
9. Quadrants
14 (A) Magic 8 Ball
15 (C) Postal Rates
[efficient powerpoint, code]
16 (C) Goldilocks
1.11 If and Flow Charts   10. Cash Register 17 (A) Fruit Pop
18 (C) Sort 3

Review Powerpoint
    19 (D) Tic Tac Toe, Intelligent Piece of Paper


Unit 2: Methods and Loops up

Lesson Video Class Code Check Your Understanding
2.1 For Loops 1. Series [video hint]
100 Bottles of Pop
1 (a). Series Part 1
2 (b). Series Part 2
3 (c). Tricky Series
[video hint]
4. (a) Five Green Frogs
2.2 For Loops and Flow Charts   2. Fizz Buzz
[2a: Fizz Buzz video hint, 2b: Happy Birthday video hint]
5 (b). Custom Lines
6 (b). Squares
7 (c) Diamond
8 (c) Trident
2.3 While Loops 3. Make into a loop 9 (b) Average How Many
10 (b). Rolling Doubles
11 (b) Tournament Rank
2.4. While Loop Flow Charts 4. Guessing Game & Riddle
2.5 PDLC, Note   5. Pokemon Battle  
2.6 Johnson, Creativity, Comments    
2.7 Void Methods, In a People House Void methods:
In a people house:
6. Drawing Methods [video hint],,
A6. Super Happy Magic Forest, The entire story
B5. First Methods
B6. Maze
C4. Rock Paper Scissors
[video hint]
C5. Tic Tac Toe - weak AI
2.8 Non-Void Methods, Already Using Methods   7. Scavenger Hunt A7. Days of the Week
B7. Math Circus

C6. Nim - weak AI

C7. Fizz Buzz AI
2.9 More Non Void Methods   8. Simple Methods (Quad) C8. Notakto
2.10 Structure Charts   9. Code: Choose one of:
(1) Rock Paper Scissors [video hint]
(2) Tic Tac Toe
(3) Fizz Buzz AI
(4) Nim


Unit 3: RPG (Role Playing Game) up

Analysis Design Coding Task Examples Reflection
An example

[Paper Version]
A1. Problem Identification
A2. Brainstorming
A3. Game Idea
[Paper Version]
B1. Introduction
B2. Task 1 Design
B3. Task 2 Design
B4. Task 3 Design

Additional Game Ideas
C1. Starter code. ( version)
C2. First Playable
C3. Making ASCII Art Quickly, video, code.
- ASCII Art Titles
- ASCII Art Archive
C4. Alpha Test
C5. Extra Features

I'm Stuck
C6. Pokemon Battle
Adding pauses to story
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3


Unit 4: GUIs - Graphical User Interfaces (Applets) up

Lesson Video Class Code Check Your Understanding
4.1 Basics
Unit 4 Sheets

javaStarter Code (PCs)
appleStarter Code (Macs)
replit Starter Code ( [video]

Applet Cheat Sheet
How to code an Applet:
Replit Applets:
1 Non-formatted Screens
1(A) Order Form
replit Order Form Starter Code [video]
2(A) RPS
4.2 Formatting Lesson:
Adding Pictures in Replit:
2 Picture Screens

giraffe 1, giraffe 2, giraffe 3.
swimming 1, swimming 2, swimming 3, swimming 4, swimming big.
zebra 1, zebra 2, zebra 3, zebra 4.
3(A) Unscramble
4(A) Knitting, pic
replit Knitting Starter Code, knitting pic smaller.
5(A) Mixed Up Letters
6(A) Tic Tac Toe
4.3 Widget Review      
4.4 Buttons that Work The Actions: 3 Something Something [video hint]
replit A4 Starter Code
7(B) Riddles
8(B) Cake Gobbler
, pic
4.5 Global and Local Variables 4 Dice, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 [video hint] 9(B) Ancient Stones, pic, stone1, stone2, stone3, stone4 [video hint]
10(B) Don't Click on the Red Button
, pic
11(A) Count Me In
4.6 Places in an Applet 5 Games Task
(Pics: Eyeball Blizzard, Snowman Jumble, SkiLift)
4.7 JTextfields
4.7 Count Me In 6 Chicken Chicken Task
- Pictures: Chicken0, Chicken1, Chicken2, Chicken3, Chicken4, Chicken5, Chicken6, Chicken7, Chicken8, Chicken9, Chicken10
12(B) Puzzles, pic1, pic2, pic3
13(A) Calculator
14(C) Birds Puzzle
, pic1, pic2
15(C) Snow Puzzle, pics
4.8 Good Design    
4.9 Screens 7 Zoo Task [Adding Okapi Video] 16(B) Zoo [Adding Okapi Video]
replit Old Zoo Starter Code
replit Old Zoo Mac Starter Code
4.10 Screen Flow Diagrams 8(a) Don't Click on the Red Button, pic
8(b) Snow Puzzle, pics
8 High Roller Task
(Pics: starter code, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, sheet to describe)


Unit 5: Arrays up

Lesson Video Code Check Your Understanding
5.1 Memory Diagrams Basic Arrays: 1 Declare A1 Common Sense
replitA1 starter
B1 Pictures Arrays
C1 Countdown Lists
5.2 Printing 3 Movies C2 Marks List
5.3 Array Templates
- String template
- char template
- int template
- double template
Basic Array Algorithms:
Using Array Templates:
2a Pumpkin Sizes
2b Fishy Fishy
5.4 2D Arrays 5 Heat Map (Print, Functions, Locations, Process Image) 3 Opeongo
5.5 Grid Arrays 4 Grid Coding
Farm Heros Pics, Scrubby Dubby Pics, Star Wars Pics

A4 Scrubby Dubby, pics
replitA4 Mac starter
replit A4 starter
B3 Mario, pic
5.6 Movement
javaBig Hero 6 Regular, pics
replitBigHero6, Mac
replitBigHero6, 6 Maze (Movement, Pick Ups, Levels), Scribble Maze Pictures

A5 Winnie the Pooh, pics
A6 Fishes Swimming, pic
replitA6, Mac, small pics
replitA6,, small pics
B4 Halloween, pic
B5 Picking Flowers, pic
C3 Minesweeper, pic
C4 Bunny Game, pic0, pic1, pic2, pic3
5.7a Algorithms 7 Road Work (Levels, Clear, Swap, Reset), Pictures  
5.7b Selection Sort Selection:

Demo #2:
8 Sorting Part 1
8 Sort Animator (Part 2)
C5 Picture Reveal, pic
5.8 Bubble Sort
Demo #2:
Bonus (can be used to replace another program... all related to maze)
9 Fishes Swimming, pic
10 Halloween, pic
11 Picking Flowers, pic
12 Minesweeper, pic
13 Bunny Game, pic0, pic1, pic2, pic3
CX Complex Array Functions
5.9 Bin Sort    


Unit 6: Grid Game up

A - Analysis B - Design C - Code   D - Evaluate
Assignment, Spec List

Games List

Game Screen Acceptance

Some good picture sites:
- icon archive
- opengameart
Save/Open: Video

Extra Features
[New] Opening Screen & Instructions
[Old] Adding Splash, Instructions Screens: video.
Adding pictures to other screens
Replication - More Opening Screens (Loki)
Is your game ready to be handed in?


Unit 6 - Specific Game Details

Connect 4 (3 pics)
Video Intro
Starter Code (zip)
Turns Video, Turns Notes
Horizontal Win Video, Notes
Other Wins, Notes
Drop Down, Note
Moves Counter
Levels/Extra Features Possibilities
Flow Free (10 pics)
Video Intro
Starter Code (zip)
replit Starter
Placing Pieces
Reset, Note
Win, Note
Levels, Note
Rush Hour (42 pics)
Video Intro
Starter Code (zip)
Choose Car video
Movement video
Powerpoint for First Level
Levels & Reset
Prevent Errors & Win video
2048 (14 pics)
Video Intro
Moving Up
Starter Code (zip)
Sokoban (13 or 6 pics)
Video Intro
Starter Code (zip)
replitStarter Macs
Movement, note
Levels, example Levels
Extra Features Possiblities
Chess (54 pics)
Video Intro
Starter Code (zip)
Picture Names
Turns Video, Turns Notes
Pawn Code
Pawn, King, Knight
Rook, Bishop
Chess Notes

Unit 7 - Final Week Content up

Lesson Video A (Level 1) B (Level 2, 3) C (Level 4, 4+)
1.1 Binary Khan Academy's Binary Unit   Mad Jailor
1.2 ASCII     Graphical Sort (Threads)
1.3 Hexadecimal     Game of Life (Threads)
7.4 Environment      
7.5 University Applications        
7.6 Coding Competitions        
7.7 OnLine Resources        


Complete Calendar up

Jan 29 - Period 3 Exams Jan 30 - Period 4 Exams Jan 31 - Snow Day Rewrite, if needed Feb 1 - No school Feb 2 - First day of class
Learner Profile
Learner Reflection
Get to Know You Activities
Problem Solving
Feb 5
Make Course Folders

1.4 Output

Code 1. Favourite Things
Code 2. Pictures [video hint on how to make footprints]
Feb 6
1.1 Binary

Work on codes from yesterday
Feb 7
Complete & Submit:
1.5 Variable Types Sheet

Code 1. Favourite Things
Code 2.Pictures: [video hint on how to make footprints]
Code 3, Q & A Task
Feb 8
1.6 Math

1. Favourite Things
2. Pictures
3. Q & A Task
4. Mad Libs Task
5. Grade 9 Math Task
Feb 9
1.3 Hexadecimal

Continue with other codes (see yesterday)
Grade 9 Math Task
Feb 12
1.7 Mod & Div
Mod Div: Code to experiment with
7. Egg Carton Task

If done early, work on the codes listed tomorrow.

Feb 13
1.3 Unicode

Complete missing code:
3. Q & A Task
4. Mad Libs Task
5. Grade 9 Math Task
6. Brampton Farmers' Market Task
7. Egg Carton Task
Feb 14 [Valentines]
1.8 Flow Charts
8. Flowerpot Flowchart Task

Feb 15
1.9 Boolean Expressions

Complete missing code:
4. Mad Libs Task
5. Grade 9 Math Task
6. Brampton Farmers' Market Task
7. Egg Carton Task
8. Flowerpot Flowchart Task

Feb 16
PL Day
Feb 19
Family Day
Feb 20
Magic 8 Ball

Ifs Example Code
Ifs Powerpoint

Complete missing code:
4. Mad Libs Task
5. Grade 9 Math Task
6. Brampton Farmers' Market Task
7. Egg Carton Task
8. Flowerpot Flowchart Task
9. Quadrants Task

Feb 21
1.10 Ifs
1.11 If Flow Charts
9. Quadrants Task
10. Cash Register Task

Chip's Calorie Counter
Tic Tac Toe, Intelligent Piece of Paper

Feb 22
Sample Test
- "Super open book" - notes, friends, teachers are allowed.
- Computers and phones are not allowed
- test MUST be submitted at the end of the period.
Feb 23
2.1 For Loops
1 Series Task
[Work on unit 1 code when finished OR Bottles of Pop]
Sample Test Solution
Feb 26
All code is due for unit 1
If done:
1 Series Task
[Bonus: Bottles of Pop]

Test 1 Preparation:
- Test preparation powerpoint
- Test Memory Work Question & Answer
- Sample Test Solution

Feb 27
- closed book, no notes or discussions.
- regular test writing conditions

For studying purposes
- Test preparation powerpoint
- Test Memory Work Question & Answer
- Sample Test Solution
Feb 28
3 Make Into A Loop Task
2.3 While Loops

2.2 For Loops & Flow Charts

Feb 29 [Leap Day]
Early Release

** Note that there are video hints for #1 and #2. Watch them if you are stuck.

Work on missing unit 2 codes:
1 Series [video hint]
2 Fizz Buzz [2a: Fizz Buzz video hint, 2b: Happy Birthday video hint]
3 Make Into A Loop Task
4 Guessing Game Task

Mar 1
1. Watch While loops 2.3 OR read powerpoint.
2. Watch While loops flowcharts 2.4 OR read powerpoint.
3. Complete Sheet 2.3 and 2.4: Flow charts. Submit to the hand in bin.
4. Complete missing unit 2 codes:
- 1 Series [video hint]
- 2 Fizz Buzz [2a: Fizz Buzz video hint, 2b: Happy Birthday video hint]
- 3 Make Into A Loop Task
- 4 Guessing Game Task
Mar 4
2.7 Void Methods

6 Drawing Methods,,

Mar 5
2.6 PDLC
PDLC Summary Note

RPG Assignment outline, Example 1 (starts at 3:03), Example 2.
2.7 Void Methods,

Mar 6 [Progress Reports Due]
2.8 Method Pieces,
In A People House

7 Scavenger Hunt Task
Mar 7
2.5 Comments, Creativity

Complete missing unit 2 codes:
1 Series [video hint]
2 Fizz Buzz [2a: Fizz Buzz video hint, 2b: Happy Birthday video hint]
3 Make Into A Loop Task
4 Guessing Game Task
Mar 8
Sheet 2.7, 2.8 & 2.9

2.9 Method Pieces, Already Using Methods

Finish 7 Scavenger Hunt Task
Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 15
Mar 18
Coding Day
7 Scavenger Hunt Task
8 Simple Methods (Quad)
9 Choose one of:
(1) Rock Paper Scissors [video hint]
(2) Tic Tac Toe
(3) Fizz Buzz AI
(4) Nim
Mar 19
2.10 Structure Charts
- Pig Code
- LCR Code

Work on Unit 2 Coding
Mar 20
RPG Analysis & Design
- Don't over think it, if you change later, that is fine. [A paper version]

Work on Unit 2 Coding:
7 Scavenger Hunt Task
8 Simple Methods (Quad)
9 Choose one of:
(1) Rock Paper Scissors [video hint]
(2) Tic Tac Toe
(3) Fizz Buzz AI
(4) Nim

Mar 21
Sample Test Unit 2
- no phones, but it is open book.
- can talk to friends or ask questions
Mar 22
Coding Day (focus on codes you want for your RPG!)

- RPG Starter Code, IO
- titles for sections in ASCII art
- ASCII Art Archive
- Making ASCII Art Quickly
Mar 25 [Holi]
Work on RPG Intro
Download starter code, IO
- Work on RPG Intro, it is due tomorrow at the start of class..
- RPG introduction example here. Another here.
- Unit 2 code is due tomorrow.

- Lesson: Generating ASCII art quickly.
- titles for sections in ASCII art
- ASCII Art Archive

Mar 26
Due: RPG introduction (ASCII title + at least 10 lines of backstory)

Test Reivew
(1) Test Reivew Powerpoint
(2) Questions

Work on RPG Task 1
- Task 1 details here
- Line Count Recorded for RPG

[Unit 2 Code is Due]

Mar 27
Test 2
- Closed Book
- for studying purposes:
(1) Test Reivew Powerpoint
(2) Questions
(3) Sample Test Solution
(4) Additional Examples for Last Coding Question
Mar 28
Due: RPG Task 1

Work on RPG Task 2
- Lesson: Introduction to Extra Features
- Line Count, verify task 1 is complete
- videos for help:
(a) Task 2
(b) Task 3
Mar 29
Good Friday

April 1
Easter Monday

April 2
Due: RPG Task 2

Work on Task 3
- Line Count, verify task 2 is complete
- Lesson: Complex & Novel Tasks, eg. Bottle task, task 3 example, ideas
- videos for help:
(a) Task 2
(b) Task 3
April 3
Due: RPG Task 3

Work on Conclusion
- Line Count, verify task 3 is complete
- Add at least 10 lines of story ending + ASCII title
- Video for help: Conclusion

April 4
Due: RPG Conclusion
- Line count, verify RPG Conclusion is done
- RPG Fixing & Polishing
(1) Add Comments
(2) Add Extra Features
(3) Add ASCII art
(4) Make sure that you have a conclusion

April 5
RPG Alpha Test Day
* bring your code ready for testing (it should run, it doesn't have to be perfect)

- Line count, check that the code runs
- Continue RPG Fixing & Polishing
(1) Add Comments
(2) Add Extra Features
(3) Add ASCII art
(4) Make sure that you have a conclusion

April 8
PA Day - Solar Eclipse

April 9 [Eid]
1 Non-formatted Screens
- Complete and submit Sheet
4.1 Applet Basics

- Work on project fixes
- If done early, watch: how to code applet. then try: 1 Non-formatted Screens
- Starter Code
- Applet Cheat Sheet
April 10 [Eid]
- If you missed it: 4.1 video or powerpoint. (This is useful for 4.3 too)
- Complete 4.2 Formatting: If needed, watch video or read powerpoint.

- Work on project fixes
- If done early, watch: how to code applet. then try: 1 Non-formatted Screens

April 11
RPG is Due
Bring your RPG to class complete and ready to hand in.
Do not have "one little thing" to complete.

- Hand in files
- Complete reflection
- If time, work on Applets

April 12
- 4.3 Buttons that Work. Powerpoints and videos are posted in the unit 4 section below.
- If needed watch: The Actions:, Read: 4.4 Buttons that Work

- 2 Picture Screens,
giraffe 1, giraffe 2, giraffe 3.
- 3 Random Sentence [video hint]
- 4 Dice, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 [video hint]

April 15 [Project complete]
Coding Day
- 1 Non-formatted Screens
- 2 Picture Screens,
giraffe 1, giraffe 2, giraffe 3.
- 3 Random Sentence [video hint]
- 4 Dice, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 [video hint]

Starter Code
Applet Cheat Sheet

- A video if needed: how to code applet.
- Adding Pictures to an applet:

April 16
- 4.3 Buttons that Work. Powerpoints and videos are posted in the unit 4 section below.
- If needed watch: The Actions:, Read: 4.4 Buttons that Work
- 4.4 Global and Local Variables:
- 3 Random Sentence [video hint]

April 17
- 4.5 Places in an Applet
- 5 Games Task (Pics: Eyeball Blizzard, Snowman Jumble, SkiLift)
April 18 [Midterms, Parent-Teacher]
- Watch: JTextFields or Read: 4.6 JTextfields
- Complete and submit sheet 4.7 to the hand in bin.
- Continue coding (see tomorrow for links)
- 5 Games Task (Pics: Eyeball Blizzard, Snowman Jumble, SkiLift)

April 19 [Early Release]
Coding Day
Starter Code
Applet Cheat Sheet

- 2 Picture Screens,
giraffe 1, giraffe 2, giraffe 3.
- 3 Random Sentence [video hint]
- 4 Dice, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 [video hint]
- 8 Don't Click on the Red Button, pic also Snow Puzzle, pics
April 22
- 4.8 Good Design
- Sheet 4.9 Screens
- 7 Zoo, video: Adding Okapi

April 23 [Midterms out]
Coding Day:
Starter Code, Applet Cheat Sheet

- 1 Non-formatted Screens
- 2 Picture Screens,
giraffe 1, giraffe 2, giraffe 3.
- 3 Random Sentence [video hint]
- 4 Dice, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6 [video hint]
- 5 Games Task (Pics: Eyeball Blizzard, Snowman Jumble, SkiLift)
- 7 Zoo, video: Adding Okapi
- 8 Don't Click on the Red Button, pic also Snow Puzzle, pics
April 24
- Sheet 4.10 Screen Flow Diagrams, video
April 25
- Count Me In
- 6 Chicken Chicken
- Pictures: Chicken0, Chicken1, Chicken2, Chicken3, Chicken4, Chicken5, Chicken6, Chicken7, Chicken8, Chicken9, Chicken10

April 26
Sample Test Applets
April 29
- 5.1 Array Intro
- Array coding: 1 Declare
- A little applet review
April 30
- Applet Review
- 5.2 Array Templates
- Array coding:
2a Pumpkin Sizes
2b Fishy Fishy
- Array templates:
- String template
- char template
- int template
- double template
May 1
- A little applet review
- Sheet 5.3 Printing
- Array Coding: 3 Movies

May 2
Test Applets

For studying purposes:
-Review Powerpoint
-Review Questions
-Sample Test Solution
May 3
Min, Max, Average Demo
1 Declare
2a Pumpkin Sizes
2b Fishy Fishy
3 Movies

5 Heat Map (Print, Functions, Locations, Process Image)
May 6
5.4 GUI Grids
4 Grid Coding, Farm Heros Pics, Scrubby Dubby Pics, Star Wars Pics
May 7 [Gorski absent]
Coding Day

Unit 5 Code:
1 Declare
2 Movies
3a Pumpkin Sizes
3b Fishy Fishy
4 Grid Coding
Farm Heros Pics, Scrubby Dubby Pics, Star Wars Pics
May 8
5.5 2D Arrays
5 Heat Map (Print, Functions, Locations, Process Image)
May 9
5.6 GUI Grids2: Movement
6 Maze (Movement, Pick Ups, Levels), Scribble Maze Pictures
May 10
Coding Day

Unit 5 Code:
1 Declare
2 Movies
3a Pumpkin Sizes
3b Fishy Fishy
4 Grid Coding
Farm Heros Pics, Scrubby Dubby Pics, Star Wars Pics
5 Heat Map (Print, Functions, Locations, Process Image)
6 Maze (Movement, Pick Ups, Levels), Scribble Maze Pictures
May 13
Algorithm Analysis
Final Project Introduction
- Connect 4: Video Intro
- Flow Free: Video Intro
- Rush Hour: Video Intro
- Sokoban: Video Intro
- Chess: Video Intro
- Other Game Choices: Games List

5 Heat Map
6 Maze; Pictures
7 Road Work (Levels, Clear, Swap, Reset), Pictures
Application Test Practice Coding
May 14
Selection Sort
Demo #2:

8 Sort Animator
May 15
1 Declare
2a Pumpkin Sizes, 2b Fishy Fishy
3 Movies
4 Grid Coding - FH Pics, SD Pics, SW Pics
5 Heat Map
6 Maze, Pictures
7 Road Work, Pictures
8 Sorting Part 1, 8 Sort Animator (Part 2)
Alternate codes (can be used to replace above programs)
9 Fishes Swimming, pic
10 Halloween, pic
11 Picking Flowers, pic
12 Minesweeper, pic
13 Bunny Game, pic0, pic1, pic2, pic3
May 16
Bubble Sort Lesson:
Demo #2:

8 Sort Animator
Application Test Practice Coding
May 17
GUI Grids
8 Sorting Part 1
8 Sort Animator (Part 2)

7 Road Work (Levels, Clear, Swap, Reset), Pictures
* Code Due next Wednesday
May 20
Victoria Day
May 21
Bin Sort Review

Code due Wednesday May 22:
1 Declare
2a Pumpkin Sizes, 2b Fishy Fishy
3 Movies
4 Grid Coding - FH Pics, SD Pics, SW Pics
5 Heat Map
6 Maze, Pictures
7 Road Work, Pictures
8 Sort Animator
May 22
Code for unit 5 is due
Application Test Practice Coding
Alternate codes (can be used to replace any above program... all related to maze)
9 Fishes Swimming, pic
10 Halloween, pic
11 Picking Flowers, pic
12 Minesweeper, pic
13 Bunny Game, pic0, pic1, pic2, pic3
May 23
Arrays Sample Test (Bring all sheets)
May 24 [Carnival - Afternoon]
Final Game Intro
Sample Test Solution
Game Analysis
Assignment, Spec List

- Connect 4: Video Intro
- Flow Free: Video Intro
- Rush Hour: Video Intro
- Sokoban: Video Intro
- Chess: Video Intro
- Other Game Choices: Games List
May 27
Game Design
Assignment, Spec List
It is on Google classroom.
May 28
- Due: Design Sheet
- Download starter code for your game.
- Make Pictures: they are due on Monday June 3 (start of class), we will be busy the next two days.
- Some good picture sites:
(a) icon archive
(b) opengameart
May 29
- Arrays Test Prep & Practice
- Test Review
- Memory Work Powerpoint
- Work on pictures for game screen. Pictures are due on June 3 (start of class).
May 30
Arrays Test

For studying purposes:
- Sample Test Solution
- Test Review
- Memory Work Powerpoint
- Coding Questions
May 31
- Due: Starter code downloaded, one pic with theme in game.
- Some good picture sites:
(a) icon archive
(b) opengameart
- Due Monday Start of Class: Own Pictures in Game Screen
June 3
- Due: Game Screens Up, Own pictures in grid.
- Working on Game Movement
(a) Connect 4 - Turns Video, Turns Notes
(b) Flow Free - Placing Pieces
(c) Rush Hour - Choose Car video, Powerpoint
(d) Sokoban - Start Movement, note
(e) Chess - Turns Video, Turns Notes

- If you have completed today's work, start on tomorrow's!
June 4
Due: Yesterday's Movement due, beginning of class.
For tomorrow:
(a) Connect 4 - Horizontal Win Video, Notes
(b) Flow Free - Win, Note
(c) Rush Hour - Up & Down Movement video,
(d) Sokoban - Finish Movement, note
(e) Chess - Pawn Code, Pawn
June 5 [Wellness Day]
Consider working on:
- Tomorrow's work
- Extra Features
- Adding Splash, Instructions Screens: video.
- If doing chess, work on King and Knight. They work the same as the pawn.
June 6 [Moratorium Begins]
Due: Yesterday's Movement/Wins due, beginning of class.
Lesson: Opening & Instructions
For tomorrow:
(a) Connect 4 - Other Wins, Notes
(b) Flow Free - Extra Features
(c) Rush Hour - Right & Left Movement video,
(d) Sokoban - Block Placement
(e) Chess - Rook
June 7
Due: Yesterday's Movement/Wins due, beginning of class.
For Monday:
(a) Connect 4 - Reset,
Drop Down, Note
(b) Flow Free - Reset, Note
(c) Rush Hour - Prevent Errors & Win video
(d) Sokoban - Reset
(e) Chess - Reset + Bishop

- Alpha Test is coming next week.
June 10
Due: Reset Today.

- Splash, Instructions Screens (video) due tomorrow
- work on Extra Features
- work on Comments
June 11
Due today: Splash & Instructions

Some things to try for tomorrow:
(a) Connect 4 - Counter, Levels (see Flow Free or Road Work)
(b) Flow Free - Levels, Note
(c) Rush Hour - Powerpoint for First 2
Levels, Prevent Errors & Win video
(d) Sokoban - Levels, example Levels
(e) Chess - Rook, Bishop, Chess Notes, Reset

June 12
Alpha Test
* Due: At the start of class have your code ready for others to test - it doesn't need to be complete, just runnable.

- work on Extra Features
- work on Comments
June 13
- work on Extra Features
- work on Comments

Code Freeze - No new code added after today.

Rubric for your reference (same as Alpha Test)
June 14
Due: Program Ready for Code Freeze

Final Project Code is due on Monday - have it ready for the START of class.
June 17
Final Project Submission
- have code complete for the beginning of class.
- Do not have "just a few things to finish".
- Do not have "just a quick question".
- Complete Reflection.
June 18
University Applications & Skills Passport
June 19
Tutorials in Morning
Locker Cleanout in Morning

Exam Afternoon - P1
No Exam in ICS3U
June 20
Exams - P2
No Exam in ICS3U, do not come to school
June 21
June 24
June 25
June 26
No school
June 27
No school
June 28
Exam Review & Report Cards