Extra Features Links

CLI Extra Features (Grade 11 RPG Project)

  1. Date Time
  2. Pop up/dialog box with PICTURES
  3. Pop up/dialog box
  4. Pull Down & Text Box
  5. Unicode
  6. Do While Loop
  7. ? Operator
  8. Print Slow
  9. Rounding
  10. Switch
  11. Timers (avoid)

Java Widgets (Grade 11 Grid Game)

  1. ComboBoxes
  2. CheckBoxes
  3. Password Field
  4. Progress Bar
  5. Radio Button
  6. Slider
  7. Spinner
  8. Menu
  9. Optionpane (Dialog boxes)
  10. Radio buttons
  11. Sound Effect - single sound, not background music.
    Requires: jump.wav and winSound.wav.
  12. Sound
  13. Panels, Layouts
  14. TextAreas
  15. Adding a Counter/Score
  16. Animated Gifs (specifically, how to make them stop flashing)

Complex Code

  1. Turns
  2. Movement
  3. Winning Condition / Check Answer
  4. Reset Button
  5. Level Up / New Levels
  6. Timers. If this doesn't work, don't ask Ms. Gorski for help. She HATES timers.
  7. Saving and Opening Your Game Progress
    ** Video for Grid Game Saving

    ** Video for Grade 12 Points & Names Saving
    Try Catch: Powerpoint, video
    File Output: Powerpoint, video
    File Input: Powerpoint, video
  8. Redo/Undo: 3D array
  9. Search dictionary file - to verify if an entry is a valid word. Code. Dictionary.txt.
  10. Quicksort