Dialog Boxes - Option Panes

The class to make dialog boxes is class option pane and it is in javax.swing.*;

Here are some examples:

//Show a warning dialog with the options OK, CANCEL, title 'Warning', 
// and message 'Click OK to continue':
Object [] options = {"OK", "CANCEL"};
JOptionPane.showOptionDialog (null, "Click OK to continue", "Warning",
   null, options, options [0]);
//Show an error dialog that displays the message, 'alert':
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "alert", "alert",
//Get the user's name
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Please enter 
 your name");
//Show a dialog asking the user to select from a combobox:
String [] possibleValues = {"First", "Second", "Third"};
String selectedValue = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null,
   "Choose one", "Input", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null,
   possibleValues, possibleValues [0]);
//Show an information panel with the options yes/no and message 
// 'choose one':
       input2 = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null, "choose one",
"choose one of these options", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

Note also that you can get input from optionpanes. For example, the following code could appear in an actionPerformed method:

//Show an information panel with the options yes/no and message 'choose one':
   String input2 = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null,
   "choose one", "choose one", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
 //Show a dialog asking the user to select from a combobox:
   String [] possibleValues = {"First", "Second", "Third"};
   String selectedValue = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null,
   "Choose one", "Input", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null,
   possibleValues, possibleValues [0]);
 showStatus ("Yes or No Option: " + input2 + " Combo Box Option:"    + selectedValue);

Note that optionpanes always return strings. In cases where a number is returned, you must use Integer.parseInt() to get the int out of the string.

To get a Multiline OptionPane:

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "* * * I N S T R U C T I O N S *    * * \n \n"
   + "The purpose of this very exciting game is to \n"
   + " guess whether the coin is a head or a tail. \n"
   + " when it is next flipped. \n"
   + "If you guess correctly, you get a point. \n \n"
   + "You can reset at any time by clicking CLEAR.\n \n"
   + "Have fun!", "Instructions", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);

Simple Ways to Play With the Graphics:

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Hi!",

Change the part highlighted to have one of the following graphics:


The Java Doc for Option Panes: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/javax/swing/JOptionPane.html

Adding Pictures:

import java.applet.*;
   import java.awt.*;
   import javax.swing.*;
public class cat extends Applet
 public void init ()
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, createImageIcon ("lion.gif"), "A Lion", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
   Makesanimageiconto go on a button
   @parampathisavalid path to a jpg or gif image
   @returnanImageIcon,ornull if the path was invalid.
   protected static ImageIcon createImageIcon (String path)
   { //change the red to your class name
   java.net.URL imgURL = cat.class.getResource (path);
   if (imgURL != null)
   return new ImageIcon (imgURL);
   System.err.println ("Couldn't find file: " + path);
   return null;